+256 772 595 030


Monday – Friday 8.00 AM – 05.00 PM
NUCAFE uses the farmer ownership model, which is based on the farmer group-association framework designed to support coffee farmers to organize themselves to assume as many roles as possible in the coffee value chain in order to increase their market value share.
For a long time coffee farmers have not had the opportunity to have ownership over coffee, the programmes that target coffee and the processes involved to reach the exporters and manufacturing industry.
The farmer ownership model is a model that builds the capacities of farmers to remain in charge of their own affairs and be responsible for their own actions but work in partnership with other stakeholders as facilitators.
Therefore, it addresses the inefficiencies of the linear coffee value chain which have been impacting negatively on farmers for decades.
This model is an intertwined network value chain quite different from the traditional linear value chain which used to focus on only the active players in production, processing and marketing without taking consideration of other stakeholders outside the linear framework such as financial institutions, input supplies, the academia, NGOs.