+256 772 595 030


Monday – Friday 8.00 AM – 05.00 PM
1. Farmer centeredness
Based on the Farmer Ownership Model that espouses farmer organization to partake of the opportunities along the entire coffee value chain, our activities will be carried out with the farmers’ best interests at the core of the interventions.
2. Financial sustainability
One of the key priority areas in the next five years shall be the enhancement of the capacity to generate earned income from the enhanced business activities of the organization.
3. Networking and Partnerships
NUCAFE recognizes the importance of working with strategic partners and networking with organizations with similar or complementary mandates. Networking will enable NUCAFE to achieve greater impact than if it acted alone. In the current planning period NUCAFE will strengthen its networks and deepen the relationships by making them more focused and result based.
4. Social Innovation and entrepreneurship
NUCAFE‘s business models will incorporate social responsibility into its value proposition; as well as attract social investors that can boost the amount and availability of social capital for use in coffee production and processing.