+256 772 595 030


Monday – Friday 8.00 AM – 05.00 PM
NUCAFE services offered:
1. Marketing and Selling of Coffee:
Through our networks and prominent name, we market and sell coffee in the international market.
2. Mobilization and Organisation of Coffee Farmers for Membership (Customer) Development:
Ensure good corporate governance and management for the growth of NUCAFE and its member organizations/enterprises.
3. Policy Advocacy for Improving Business Environment:
Through lobby and advocacy, this service contributes to improvement of the business environment for the coffee farming business for increased productivity and profitability.
4. Market Linkage Service:
We facilitate linkage of high-quality coffee from member organizations to high end markets (local and internat- ional) to create increased shared value to farmers.
5. Production, Productivity and Quality Enhancement Service:
Enable farmers to produce better quality coffee that meets global standards.
6. Coffee Value Chain Addition Services:
We facilitate farmers’ access to value adding services that include cleaning, drying, destoning, grading, color sorting, export handing, roasting, grinding, blending, branding and packaging.
7. Access to Financial Services:
We create awareness of available financial services for farmers and farmer enterprises. We link farmers to financial institutions and builds capacity in managing and accessing finance.
8. Attestation, Certification and Verification Services:
We provide services to farmers that enable them to comply with international, regional and domestic
coffee market standards for speciality market readiness and penetration. These include: The Farmer Ownership Model(FOM) standard, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance (UTZ), Organic Trade.
9. Gender Equity Enhancement Service:
We improve livelihood of women, men and the youth coffee farmers in the households through increased productivity, quality and profitability of coffee derived from enhancing equity in decision making in the household.
10. Resilience Building:
NUCAFE relentlesily works to build resilience of farmers and farmer organizations in climate adaptation and mitigration practices along the entire coffee value chain.