+256 772 595 030


Monday – Friday 8.00 AM – 05.00 PM
The critical review of NUCAFE’s Vision, Mission and its Core Values, the SWOT and operating environment assessment gave rise to a new strategic direction of the organization; from being more or less a social service provider in 2003 -2012 to being social entrepreneurial 2012 – 2016 and after. This new direction will position NUCAFE to contribute to operationalizing and implementing the Uganda coffee strategy, the National Export Strategy (NES), Development Strategy and Investment Plans (DSIPs) of MAAIF and Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives and the overall Government of Uganda National Development Plan.
This will be aimed at preparing the organization for the new business challenges and position it in a fresher perspective ready to tackle the challenges posed by the new strategic direction. Key among these will be the sharpening of staff, management and Board business aptitudes, while empowering them with the necessary tools to deliver on the new mandate as envisaged in this plan. A lot of effort will be placed on how the organization manages and delivers its bundled entrepreneurial services and products to its customers and society to the desired impact that should emanate from implementing unique activities. This objective aims at creating equitable sharing of the treasures of coffee to ensure sustainability.
To strengthen organizational capacity of member enterprises / organizations
The focus will be to take deliberate steps to move the member farmer organizations and enterprises into a higher level, with clear monitorable indicators of progress stated and closely followed in the service level agreements (SLAs). While all the CFAs/coops will be beneficiaries of NUCAFEs services, attention will be placed on the mid-level organizations that have accumulated basic momentum to fully and effectively utilize the service mix, while encouraging other outlying CFAs/coops to move into the desired segment. Clear segmentation criteria will be used and will be communicated to the members on a regular basis. The ultimate aim is to place the resources where they are better needed and profitably utilized.
To empower coffee farming families in the profitable segments of the coffee value chain
Farmers are at the epicenter of NUCAFE’s activities. Particular attention will be placed on mindset change to orient them into being aggressive and business oriented farmers who can eye the higher value nodes in the coffee value chain for enhanced profitability. While technical advisory and training services will continue to be provided, the new direction will be placed on how such services can be used to translate into improved income generation and enhanced livelihood changes amongst the farming families.
To enable a conducive environment for sustainable coffee value chain in Uganda
Given the multitude of interests and stakeholders involved in the coffee subsector, NUCAFE’s entry point will be to build key power maps with strategic partners in order to address the salient issues affecting the industry. While there is still no coffee policy to regulate the industry, NUCAFE will continue to make its prudent submissions and contributions in the enhancement of the enabling environment in a way that builds the ground for a bigger picture, addressing cross cutting issues of gender equity, HIV/AIDs, climate change, access to planting materials, access to finance to strengthen the position of farmers in the coffee value chain and to create impact at a more sector-wide level for societal transformation.