+256 772 595 030


Monday – Friday 8.00 AM – 05.00 PM
Responding to widespread poverty in the global coffee sector, Fairtrade International is raising its minimum prices for certified arabica and robusta coffee. The new Fairtrade minimum price for washed arabica coffee, which represents more than 80% of the Fairtrade coffee sold, is $1.80 per pound, an increase of 40 cents over the current price. The Fairtrade price…
ENHANCING PRODUCTION AND QUALITY OF SPECIALITY ECO-FRIENDLY COFFEE FOR INCREASED INCOMES OF SMALL SCALE FARMERS IN UGANDA Agribusiness Initiative Trust (aBi) has committed 1.3 million dollars to the National Union of Coffee Agribusiness and Farm Enterprises (NUCAFE) for the implementation on “Enhancing production and quality of speciality eco-friendly coffee for increased incomes of small scale…
ENHANCING AFRICA GREEN ECONOMY THROUGH THE ECO GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION FOR COFFEE” IN UGANDA To enhance farmers’ incomes and create sustainable market opportunities, NUCAFE in partnership with CIRAD have the support of Euro 1.2 million under the SWITCH Africa Green Initiative from the Europe an Union to implement the project. Implementation of this project is expected…